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Fire law reminder

Posted on: 03/03/2022
By  WMOA staff
MARIETTA, OH-  The pamphlet posted to the WCSO website displays Ohio Revised Code 1503.18 regarding Kindled Fires. The code prohibits outdoor open burning statewide in Unincorporated areas during the months of Marhc, April, May, October and November between the hours of 6am and 6pm.  The ban includes burning of yard waste, trasn and debris even in a proper burn barrel.

Wild fire danger is high in the spring and in the fall, the fire danger is high due to the abundance of dry leaves and dead grass. 

The Ohio Administrative code 3745.19 regarding Outdoor Burning is included as well. The EPA basics for homeowners say that several materials are never to be burned. This includes food waste, dead animals and any materials that contain rubber, grease, asphalt or items that are made from petroleum. 

You are also asked to be mindful of how close you are to a neighboring structure.  You must be 1000 feet from an inhabited building.  No burning when air pollution alerts are in effect. Fire and smoke cannot obscure visibility on roadways, railways or airfields. 

Fire law reminder

The Washington County Sheriff's Office reminded locals on Ohio's fire laws.

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