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New Marietta Main Street board members announced

Posted on: 11/25/2021
By  WMOA staff
Beginning in 2022, the non-profit will welcome in the largest Board of Directors to lead the organization to date. 14 voting board members will join alongside 5 ex-officio community leaders to form a team of 19 individuals charged with the governing. 

The President and CEO of the Marietta Area Chamber of Commerce, Kelsy Eaton will be Ex-Officio and said she is thrilled to be joining in the position adding that the Chamber and Marietta Main Street work well together and have similar goals.

Laura Knab, an Associate Attorney at Loughry Buell Sip LLC will have a term lasting between 2022 and 2024. Knab's excitement was expressed as she touted the board and their efforts to beautify Marietta.

Ryan Smith's term will also last between 2022 and 2024. Smith says Main Street has accomplished a lot during its time and is confident the board can continue to bring in success to enhance Marietta. 

In addition to adding new members to the board of directors, the organization is also brining in new leadership on the Executive Committee through the Vice President position.  Jen Tinkler of Third Street Deli will become the VP.  The Executive Committee guides the leadership and development of the full board of directors and works closely in partnership with Main Street's Executive Director to produce the programs of the organization.  As reported previously, the current Executive Director of Marietta Main Street will step away from the position at the end of the year.  No word on the selection of a new director at this point. 

New Marietta Main Street board members announced

New local leaders are set to join the Marietta Main Street Board in 2022.

Scoreboard for Wednesday, January 15, 2025
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