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AAA Halloween safety tips

Posted on: 10/28/2021
By  AAA East Central
A good scare may be part of the fun on Halloween, but not when it comes to the safety of pedestrians and motorists. AAA East Central is advising parents and motorists to take some extra precautions this year to keep everyone safe.   
Halloween is consistently one of the most dangerous nights of the year for children. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that the holiday is one of the top three days for pedestrian injuries and fatalities, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates children are four times more likely to be struck by a motor vehicle than on any other day of the year.
Tips for Motorists on Halloween:
Designate a sober driver in advance. Select a designated driver or ensure that a cab, a ride-share, or car service is available.  Never ride with a driver who has been drinking.
Consider an overnight stay.  If attending a party at a friend's home, consider asking to stay overnight.
Do not let impaired guests drive. If hosting a party, remind guests to plan ahead and designate a sober driver, offer alcohol-free beverages, and do not allow impaired guests to drive.
Drive at least 5 mph below the posted speed limit.  According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, a pedestrian is more than twice as likely to be killed if they are hit by a car traveling at 35 mph, compared to 25 mph.
Look for children walking on roadways, medians and curbs.  This particularly applies during popular trick-or-treating hours, from 5:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. Use extra caution when entering or exiting driveways or alleys.

AAA Halloween safety tips

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates children are four times more likely to be struck by a motor vehicle on Halloween than on any other day of the year.

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