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Downtown Art

Posted on: 11/04/2021
By  WMOA staff
MARIETTA, OH- Downtown non-profit Marietta Main Street will be hosting the project called "Art Local".  Main street will match dollars of up to 1500 or 50% of interior and exterior art projects on downtown businesses. 
Bobby Rosenstock is a local artist and hopes the effort will provide needed resources to property owners.  
The initial funds in the amount of 4,225 dollars will come from the Marietta Community Foundation.  The amount comes from their fall grant cycle. 
Since 2016 the Marietta Main Street Public Art Committee has successfully implemented 12 projects.  The investment cost wsa more than 36 thousand dollars.  
Those interested can begin to think of their projects and will have to wait until the start of 2022 to learn more about deadlines for the cycle.  

Downtown Art

A new effort will help to support investments of downtown building and business owners into public art.

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