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Rt 7 construction coming to an end

Posted on: 11/09/2021
By  Brett Wharff
We are getting close to the final days of the State Route 7 resurfacing project. Barrels have been moved recently and motorists are traveling in the right-hand lanes to the north. The work has been taking place for several weeks between Veto Road and River Lane. The estimated completion date is still November 15th which will be here next Monday. 
Other projects include a State Route 26 landslide project. One lane is closed between Sackett Run and SR260 for the repair. Temporary traffic signals and a 10-foot width restriction are in place. Estimated completion is set for November 30th.
Finally, on the Ohio Department of Transportation list of projects is the State Route 555 bridge replacement project. One lane is closed between Barton Road and State Route 676 for the bridge replacement. Temporary traffic signals and an 11-foot width restriction are in place.  Estimated completion is December 1st

Rt 7 construction coming to an end

The Ohio Department of Transportation released details about the resurfacing project.

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