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Two Indicted for Attempted Murder for Blue Knob Road Attack

Posted on: 02/18/2021
By  Brett Wharff
Washington County, Ohio- After the attack on Blue Knob Road last Feb. 12, Stephen Osborne was taken into custody and now has been indicted by the Washington County Grand Jury on several charges, one is attempted murder.  Other charges include felonious assault which comes after striking a victim with a baseball bat, tampering with evidence and possession of weapons under disability are charges brought on as well. 

New to the story is 18-year-old Sierah Caldwell. Early reports say that Osbourne was using a social media account belonging to a female to communicate with the victim.  The victim met with the female at the home believing he was talking with her in the conversations.  Reports from early this week say that she was asked to play along while Osborne hid in the home waiting.  Caldwell has officially been indicted on attempted murder, felonious assault and tampering with evidence. 

Also new to the story this week according to sources is a juvenile who has been indicted for attempted murder in juvenile court.  March 3rd will be the day to decide whether the juvenile will be tried as an adult.  If this is the case, he will face the same charges as Sierah Caldwell. 

Two Indicted for Attempted Murder for Blue Knob Road Attack

Update on the attack on Blue Knob Road that occurred Friday.

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