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New Police Chief to be Sworn In
Posted on: 06/03/2022
For the past month WMOA has reported on testing that was going to be taking place for the position of Chief of Police in Marietta. Former Chief Arron Nedeff was appointed chief back in July of 2021 after former chief Rodney Hupp retired. When Nedeff was appointed, the city did not hold competitive testing for the position.
Back in April, the city was then ordered by the state to conduct competitive testing for the position which the city obliged. The testing took place on May 21st and the results just came back. Scoring the highest score by six points was Katherine Warden who scored a 89% on the test and after six longevity credits her score was a 96.
This 96 has landed Warden to position of Chief of Police as she will be sworn in Monday afternoon at 1:00 at city hall. This is just the start of changes within the Police Department Marietta Mayor Josh Schicher spoke with WMOA about a possible restructure of command.
"We are going change the rank structure. What that will involve is abolishing a sergeant position in the police department which is currently unfilled. Our plan is to create a second captain position. The ranking structure would be Chief, two captains then sergeants and patrol officers behind them is the new rank structure.
There will be two swearing in ceremonies Monday as the mayor will swear in a police officer Monday morning at 9 am then Chief Warden's at 1. WMOA will be in attendance for both and get comments from the officer and warden.
Scoreboard for Wednesday, January 15, 2025